Sant Donan - GrandTerrier

Sant Donan

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1 Fiche signalétique

s. Donan
Vie / Buhez : moine irlandais en mission en Ecosse au 6e-7e siècle, fondateur du monastère de l'île d'Eigg, éponyme de St-Donan
Genre / Reizh : Masculin
Signification / Sinifiañs : origine Bretonne, Dumno=Profond, + diminutif 'an'
Variantes / Argemmoù : Donnan (Bretagne) - Donan (Bretagne) - Dyfnan (Pays de galles) - Thonan (Bretagne) - Tonan (Bretagne) -

2 Almanach

le 17 avril 2025 ~ d'an 17 a viz Ebrel 2025
Saint(e) du jour ~ Sant(ez) an deiz s. Donan (moine irlandais en mission en Ecosse au 6e-7e siècle, fondateur du monastère de l'île d'Eigg, éponyme de St-Donan)
Proverbe breton ~ Krennlavar Karet ar merc'hed hag ar gwin. A denn peurvuiañ da wall fin. § [Trad.]

Almanach complet : [Calendrier:Vie des saints]

3 Sources

4 Iconographie

Eglise de St-Donan
Eglise de St-Donan

5 Monographies



prénom masculin, fête le 14 avril

Origine du prénom

Saint Donan fut proche de saint Brieg.

Il est le patron de Saint-Donan, dans les Côtes d'Armor.

Info Bretagne / St-Donan


Saint-Donan est certainement un disciple de Saint-Brieuc. En 418, saint Donan, cousin-germain de Fragan (dit-on) et originaire comme lui de Grande-Bretagne, se réfugia avec ce dernier dans l'Armorique, et fonda sur les bords de Gouët, une colonie chrétienne.

Forum Arbre Celtique

Saint Donnan et Compagnons, Martyrs

Mort à Eigg, vers 616-618. Saint Donnan est un moine Irlandais dont on sait peu de choses, sauf qu'il était un des premiers saints en Ecosse, d'après les noms de certains lieux (comme "Kildonan") s'étendant de Galloway à Perth et d'Aberdeenshire dans l'Uig, Suist du sud, Sutherland, Arran, et Eigg. Beaucoup se sont convertis au Christianisme par ses efforts. Quelques-uns disent qu'il était moine à Iona sous saint Columba (9 juin); d'autres disent qu'il a été associé à l'Eglise des Pictes et a suivi le chemin de missionnaire de saint Ninian (16 septembre).

Il aurait pour finir fondé une communauté monastique sur l'île d'Eigg sur Loch Ewe dans les Hébrides inférieures (Ecosse). Pendant qu'il offrait le Sacrifice de la Vigile de Pâques, une bande d'hommes armés est arrivée. A la fin de l'Offrande, ils enfermèrent les 52 moines dans le réfectoire, et y boutèrent le feu. Ceux qui tentèrent de s'échapper furent passés par le fil de l'épée.

Selon D'Arcy, la chronique sur la mort de Columba dans le "Martyrologe d'Aengus" prophétise la fin de Donnan: "Donnan partit alors avec sa famille monastique sur l'Ilot Occidental et ils installèrent leur demeure là-bas dans un endroit où paissaient les moutons de la reine du pays". 'Faites-les tuer,' aurait-elle dit. 'Cela ne serait pas un acte religieux," répondirent ses gens. Mais ils furent meurtrièrement assaillis. A ce moment l'ecclésiastique était dans l'église. 'Laissez-nous un répit jusqu'à ce que l'Offrande soit terminée,' demanda Donnan. 'Vous l'aurez,' dirent-ils. Et quand ce fut terminé, ils furent tous tués."

Ainsi, il est rapporté que le crime fut ordonné par la dirigeante locale, contrariée par la présence des moines sur l'île, ou par une femme du coin qui avait perdu ses droit à paître ses animaux; mais ça pourrait avoir été simplement une attaque de Vikings. Les moines, dont le les noms sont rapportés dans le "Martyrologe de Tallaght" compilé vers 792, ils sont considérés comme martyrs. On les fête encore à Argyll et les îles. Son bâton pastoral a été vénéré à Husterless jusqu' à sa destruction pendant la "Réforme." (Attwater, Attwater2, Bénédictins, Coulson, D'Arcy, Farmer, Gill, Montalembert, Moran, Simpson, Skene).

Site New Advent

St. Donnan

There were apparently three or four saints of this name who flourished about the seventh century.

(1) ST. DONNAN, ABBOT OF EIGG, and ST. DONNAN OF AUCHTERLESS are regarded by both the Bollandists and Dempster as different personages, but there is so much confusion in their chronology and repetition in what is known of them, that it seems more probable that they were identical. Reeves (Adamnan's Life of St. Columba), moreover, accepts them as the same without discussion. According to Irish annals St. Donnan was a friend and disciple of St. Columba, who followed him from Ireland to Scotland toward the end of the sixth century. Seeking a solitary retreat, he and his companions settled on the island of Eigg, off the west coast of Scotland, then used only to pasture sheep belonging to the queen of the country. Informed of this invasion, the queen ordered that all should forthwith be slain. Her agents, probably a marauding band of Picts, or pirates according to one account, arrived during the celebration of Mass on Easter eve. Being requested to wait until the Sacrifice was concluded, they did so, and then St. Donnan and his fifty-one companions gave themselves up to the sword. This was in 617. Reeves mentions eleven churches dedicated to St. Donnan; in that at Auchterless his pastoral staff was preserved up to the Reformation and is said to have worked miracles. The island of Eigg was still Catholic in 1703 and St. Donnan's memory venerated there (Martin, Journey to the Western Islands, London, 1716).

(2) SON OF LIATH, and nephew and disciple of St. Senan, in whose life it is related that by his uncle's direction he restored to life two boys who had been drowned. This St. Donnan succeeded St. Ciaran of Clonmacnoise as Abbot of Aingin, an island in Lough Ree, on the Shannon (now Hare Island). He flourished about the middle of the sixth century.

(3) ST. DONNAN THE DEACON, son of Beoadh and brother of St. Ciaran. He was a monk in his brother's monastery at Cluain, or Clonmacnoise, in Ireland, in the sixth century.

Site Floating Whispers / Celtic Saints

April 17th

Saint Donan: Irish 7th century. Follower of Saint Columba. Founded a monastery on Eigg. In AD 618 all were murdered in a dispute over the grazing of animals. Tradition is that those who carried out the deed were all women.

Site Cushnieent

St Donnan the Great.

Pictish Martyr.

Died 617AD

Reprint of, "St Donnan the Great, and his muinntir." Rev Archibald Black Scott, DD. Published in the Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, vol i, part iii. Aberdeen. 1906.

The Teutonic expeditions which, early and late in history, entered the Moray Firth, destroyed many sources of information, and obscured many names eminent in the story of northern Alba. Nynia (better known as St Ninian,) Finbar, and Donnan are among the more prominent of those who stand out in the mists which came with the east winds that blew over the first frail boats of the Vikings, years before the long-ships were devised.

Donnan is the most distinct of the three figures, and it is remarkable that, in a land devoted to its Church, no native historian has thought of using the widely scattered traces of S. Donnan and his disciples to supplement the Irish records, and so bring the Martyr Saint into the historical foreground.

The minor Scottish writers generally dismiss S. Donnan with the remark he was the contemporary and friend of S. Columba, leaving the impression that he was one of the missionaries sent out from Iona while Columba was Abbot of Hi. The remark is only partially true; and the impression is altogether wrong. S. Donnan headed a very large mission into Scotland which was quite independent of Iona; and although it came from Ireland, there are indications that the head and members were not Dalriad Scots.

Archaeological students, unacquainted with the record concerning S. Donnan, who have studied only the remains of the ancient Church in the east of the four Northern Counties, have long been convinced that an efficient Christian organization, Irish in type, was established in north-eastern Alba in the period between S. Finbar and the first Teutonic invaders, alongside the Churches founded by S. Nynia. Owing to the differences of speech, and the not too friendly relations between the Dalriads and the Northern Picts, it is clear that this organization was not worked from Iona, to which it has sometimes been carelessly credited. On the contrary, the name, traditions, character, and period of certain Churches of the group indicate an origin from S. Donnan, Bishop and Abbot, who sent forth his Missionaries from his cell on the Ulligh, or Helmsdale River. For example, Fordyce in Banff-shire, and Strathmore in Caithness are separated by the whole breadth of the Moray Firth; but each place had a Church which tradition says was founded by a follower of S. Donnan. Fordyce was founded by Tarlogan (Lat. Talaricanus), and the Church of Strathmore by Ciaran, and a reference to the Martyrology of Tallagh shows that both were members of S. Donnan's muinntir. That S. Donnan's influence was more than local is also brought home to us by the recollection that his bachul was kept with great veneration in the Church of Auchterless, Aberdeenshire, until the Reformation.

Source/attachment : Media:StDonnantheGreat.pdf

prénoms celtiques et bretons d'Albert Deshayes

24 septembre

Diminutif du vieux breton dumno, "profond, vaste" (moderne don, "profond").

Plusieurs saints ont porté ce nom : un moine irlandais, disciple de Colomban d'Iona (Koulouman), abbé fondateur de l'île d'Eigg dans les Hébrides, où il est assassiné en 618 - on l'honore en Écosse à St-Donan's et à Kildonan ; un disciple de Brieg, d'après la tradition ; un saint gallois dénommé Dyfman.