Santez Darerea - GrandTerrier

Santez Darerea

Un article de GrandTerrier.

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1 Fiche signalétique

sz. Darerea
Vie / Buhez : née au 5e siècle dans le Kerry irlandais, parente de Patrick, épouse de Conan Mériadec, mère de Gradlon
Genre / Reizh : Féminin
Signification / Sinifiañs :
Variantes / Argemmoù :

2 Almanach

le 22 mars 2025 ~ d'an 22 a viz Meurzh 2025
Saint(e) du jour ~ Sant(ez) an deiz sz. Darerea (née au 5e siècle dans le Kerry irlandais, parente de Patrick, épouse de Conan Mériadec, mère de Gradlon)
Proverbe breton ~ Krennlavar Ar c'hafe du hag ar gwin gwenn. A ra d'ar merc'hed koll o fenn. § [Trad]

Almanach complet : [Calendrier:Vie des saints]

3 Sources

4 Iconographie

le Kerry en Irlande
le Kerry en Irlande

5 Monographies

Site :


prénom féminin, fête le 22 mars

Origine du prénom

Soeur cadette de saint Patrick, patron des Irlandais, elle épousa Conan Mériadec, roi de Bretagne.

Site Dochara :

Darerca (dahr-erka) : An Irish saint from Co Kerry who may have been related to St Patrick. If you believe names influence a child's future be careful with this one - the original bearer of the name had 19 children!

Site Early British Kingdoms :


383-421 01. CONAN "MERIADOC", reckoned "first" King of Armorica [Vannetais], which then was a Roman province, given to him by the Roman Emperor MAXIMUS as his family’s estate or as a client-kingdom of the Roman Empire; the kingdom later became the British province of Brittany, and now is the French province of Bretagne; 14th in male-line descent from St. James, one of Jesus' so-called "brothers"; and, 56th in male-line descent from Israel's King David

+1 [betrothed to] St. Ursula, daughter & heiress of King Dionotus II of Britain, however, during the voyage she was taken hostage by Irish pirates, raped & murdered along with her 10 [not 1000] ladies-in-waiting

=2 Dareca (Darerea), contrary to some copyist notation, she was not St. Patrick’s sister, but was his distant relative


(a) Urban (Erbin)

(b) Gradlon I "Mur"

(c) Rioch

(x) others